Mothers Of Children Younger Than 12 Years Can Stay At Home And Will Receive Full Salary During The State Of Emergency

Serbia has declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 outbreak and in regard to this decision, the Government adopted a Decree on Organizing the Activity of Employers during the State of Emergency.In accordance with this Decree, employers are obliged to organize remote work and work from home. However, in cases where working activities are such that can not be organized in this manner, employers have to take safety measures so to reduce the number of people in a single room at the same time and stop the spread of COVID-19.Nonetheless, having in mind that all preschools and schools have been closed during the state of emergency, the state authorities announced that mothers of children younger than 12 years can stay at home and take care of their kids instead of working. During this period they are promised to receive a full salary.This announcement will definitely have a great effect on employment regulations during the state of emergency and it shows the government’s willingness to prevent this virus from spreading in the best way possible.