Serbia Imposes Curfew To Prevent COVID-19 From Spreading

Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the state of emergency was declared in Serbia four days ago and consequently, a lot of emergency measures have been imposed by the Serbian government in order to stop the spread of this virus.However, according to the authorities, Serbian citizens were not following these measures and instructions at all. As a result, a curfew was imposed in Serbia yesterday.Curfew, the regulation enjoining the withdrawal of people from the streets, is prescribed as one of the safety measures to prevent the contagion by the Law on the protection of population from infectious diseases ("Official gazette" of RS, no. 15/2016).By this curfew, all people are forbidden from leaving their homes overnight, from 8 pm to 5 am CET. The exceptions from this ban are those on duty and employees who work night shifts.Additionally, as of today, people over 65 (*in rural areas over 70) are completely banned from going out to the streets.Furthermore, the Army will control all borders, hospitals and migrant centers from now on. It is also planned to shut down all public transport entirely.Despite the fact that one of the fundamental rights, freedom of movement, is being restricted by this curfew, "this measure is necessary to reduce the level of vulnerability and risk to population" the authorities said.
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